Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thing 3 RSS feeds

When I first learned about RSS feeds a couple years ago, I went to a short class, when gee whiz created and aggregator added some interesting sites and then never went back. (kind of like what I think my happen with the bloglines account I set up for this exercise). However, I love that some of my favorite web resources -- including my trusty My Yahoo home page and this Blog have functionality to include feeds. Now I think I am starting to better see the benefit and am using them more effectively.

Now that I know better what I am looking for in using RSS, I think it gives me a better idea what our public might be interested in from us. We need to look at our web design and see where RSS feeds can effectively provide the public what they may want to learn from us.

One of my jobs as a supervisor is to track the progress of division staff as they work their way through the 23 things. I have now add RSS feeds for division staff. Not only is it eaier to track , I see they are all exceeding my progress! . I love reading the division staff comments on these "things" and am looking forward to incorporating some of these tools in our work with patrons.

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