Monday, March 24, 2008

Thing 8: Share your Creations

Slide Shows

Yahoo -- Zoho! Or so I thought. I was really excited about this tool. I frequently give presentations and love the idea of an easy way to share some of these Power Point presentations. I'm actually planning to repeat a presentation I gave at MLA in December and thought, gee, let's try. This could be an easy way to share my slide show with my audience.

Well, there are some significant size limitations. I tried to upload my ppp and it was too big. It took a long time to make the attempt and after erroring out two times, then I read the fine print. So alas, I have created an abbreviated one below. I was also disappointed about the limitations of the picture size that were allowed to be imported. I frequently use power point to visually demonstrate something. If it is just bullet point outlines of my speech, I don't bother with pp.

P.S. The instructions for imbedding my show in my blog did not work. I couldn't figure out how to do any more than to insert the link. Sorry ;-(

As a presenter, one needs to be flexible. I doubt I would create a web version of my presentation and just use that. You never know what kind of access you will have at any given place. Not many of the places where I regularly present have Internet access.

There is potential here but at this time this resource is not recommended.

Thing 7: Communication Tools

When I started my work life it was in the age of memos. When I started using email in 1989, I was impressed at how easily and quickly it was to communicate -- especially in a work setting where everyone had access to email. Now, I can't image life without it and have appreciated how it has developed over the years. I currently maintain 3 email accounts - my work account, my personal Yahoo account (I love how I can keep my same email address no matter how often I move, and can keep my contact information no matter how many times my computer crashes), and my charter account which I use primarily for my volunteer activities.

We use GroupWise for our email program at work. In addition to email, it also includes calendar, tasks, and notes functions. All of the staff in my division have given proxy access to each other for calendar items. I can't imaging completing the desk staffing schedule without it. It allows me to see at a glance staff's commitments on a given day and can schedule accordingly. Also, when someone is interested in meeting with me and I am unavailable, staff have access to my calendar and can schedule an appointment for me.

When we need to communicate something quickly and comprehensively, email is a great tool. We also use it very effectively to communicate between selectors, acquisitions and reserve staff to manage collection development activities. The administrative team also uses it to make decisions for simple time sensitive issues that need an answer before our next meeting.

There are a couple of downsides to email. It is very easy to hit the send button before proofing one's message adequately, and one needs to use caution when communicating by email on emotional or sensitive issues. Email lacks the non-verbal cues that are an essential part of face to face communication. Also, if there is a need for dialog, email is inferior to a phone call or a face to face conversation. The key is knowing when to use the various communication tools available to us and to not rely to heavily on any one.

Text Messaging and IM

I lack confidence in much of my written communication and text messaging and IM are so fast that I am not exactly comfortable with it. I also struggle with LEET (the little abbreviations). However, there are times when I really appreciate the ability to text. For example, when at the Metrodome, it is too loud to use the cell phone. A text message quickly and easily communicates where to meet up and/or provide a brief commentary on the last play!

We do use IM at our reference desk at the library, but not yet at the Fiction, Movies and Music desk. I believe IM is great for quick answers to discrete questions. It is not, however, my preferred method for conducting a reference interview. I thought the example in the 23 things video was lacking. When the patron texts what database to use for research, typically the librarian should ask multiple follow-up questions such as what is your subject, what have you searched already, etc. before providing the best suggestion. However, if someone texts and asks who won the world series in 1987, well then there is no reason not to use this quick and easy communication tools.

I have experimented with IM on a personal level. I guess I prefer the phone for the types of conversations I've had in this format and/or have found email to be more than adequate for my needs.

Because of webinars, we now have so much more access to quality staff development training. Last summer I took several that were offered by OverDrive. I appreciated the format, the ability to IM questions to the presenter and the ability to attend the webinar at my own desk. We also book our meeting room for several staff to attend the WebJunction and other webinars. Here we use the mobile lab and project the webinar on a screen so that multiple staff may view.

I love Yahoo groups for committee and volunteer work. The group allows the organization to quickly and easily create a free listsrv. But it is so much more than that. It includes a calendar function which allow the automated sending of reminders for organizational events/meetings. When I was president of my Lion's club, I found this function indispensable. One can also integrate the calendar items of your group(s) to your personal yahoo calendar.

It also allows for the posting of organizational documents, photos, etc. I have used the poll function to have members weigh in on optimal meeting dates etc.

The downside to the Yahoo groups is that every club member needs to establish an account (you can use your home email) and remember their login and password. If they are not regular yahoo users, this can be an issue. I couldn't convince enough Lion's members to use the full function of the group to have the document posting be effective. It worked for the listsrv function and Key officers where the only ones who used the other parts.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thing 6 - On-line Image Generators

Corny, I know, but it does demonstrate my passion for all things library and football! I see how this could be used to promote our library programs.

I think it would be fun to use some Reader's Advisory badges for National Library Week.

Who doesn't Love the Bookmobile!!!

Thing 5 - fun with Flickr

Well, I spent a lot of time exploring but with limited final product. At the bottom of this post is my link to my splashr project. It is fun to know what is out there for photo tools. I think it could be fun to have a teen photo mash up contest. Perhaps we could have a set of criteria -- i.e. it needs focus on a theme and include one mashup of RPL image. I would love to see what more creative people than me could come up with.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


originally uploaded by kimberly_d_edson.
The Rochester Public Library Loves Free Comic Book Days!

Thing 4 Flickr

One of my favorite web 2. features is that of photo sharing. In addition to the Flickr account, I have been using Photoworks for a while. I love how easy it is to share photos with family and friends and to order prints etc. There are so many photo sites to choose from. Because photos are often large files, it is nice to point others to these sites rather than attach to email and eat up bandwidth etc.

The library does have a Flickr account that we created this year. We have used it to highlight library events, etc. I like having an external source to host the photos and we don't have to keep them on our server.

Also, in dealing with family pictures etc. we are mindful of privacy issues. This is true for library pictures too. When we ask those being photographed to sign a release form, it is important for them to know that it may be on the web.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thing 3 RSS feeds

When I first learned about RSS feeds a couple years ago, I went to a short class, when gee whiz created and aggregator added some interesting sites and then never went back. (kind of like what I think my happen with the bloglines account I set up for this exercise). However, I love that some of my favorite web resources -- including my trusty My Yahoo home page and this Blog have functionality to include feeds. Now I think I am starting to better see the benefit and am using them more effectively.

Now that I know better what I am looking for in using RSS, I think it gives me a better idea what our public might be interested in from us. We need to look at our web design and see where RSS feeds can effectively provide the public what they may want to learn from us.

One of my jobs as a supervisor is to track the progress of division staff as they work their way through the 23 things. I have now add RSS feeds for division staff. Not only is it eaier to track , I see they are all exceeding my progress! . I love reading the division staff comments on these "things" and am looking forward to incorporating some of these tools in our work with patrons.